YaraVita Safe K is a highly concentrated liquid potassium product designed for foliar application. YaraVita Safe K is quick acting and mobile within the plant, making it ideal for situations where soil application is not possible or practical to overcome problems of availability in the soil.
YaraVita Safe K does not contain chloride or nitrate so is suitable for use on a very wide range of crops whatever the situation.
3.1% Nitrogen (N), 34.3% Potassium Oxide (K2O)
Features & Benefits
1. Highly concentrated nutrient combination
2. More than just a ‘foliar N’
3. Valuable trace element provision
4. Immediate boost for crops under stress
5. Lasting feeding effect
6. Easy to mix
7. Very safe formulation
Application rates and timings
1. Tomato, Capsicum (Sweet Pepper),
Rate : 1 – 2ml / L water
Water Rate : 200 – 400 L / acre / application
Timing : During Flowering or Fruit Development (bi-weekly application)
2. Banana, Papaya
Rate : 2 – 3ml / L water
Water Rate : 200 – 400 L / acre / application
Timing : During Flowering or Fruit Development (apply 2 – 3 times)
3. Beans, Peas
5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.
4. Maize
5 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.
Also available at Shopee.
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