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The Hanna Instruments HI98304 DiST 4 is a high-range electrolytic conductivity (EC) tester that can measure up to 20.00 mS/cm making it ideal for a variety of applications including water treatment, boilers and cooling towers, agricultural including hydroponics, and general laboratory use. The DiST 4 is a rugged and reliable pocket-sized tester for use in the lab or field. This modern looking meter is only 0.7' thick and extremely ergonomic, fitting comfortably in your hand. This tester keeps things simple with a two-button operation; one for ON/OFF, the other for calibration.


Conductivity Range: 0.00 to 20.00 mS/cm (dS/m)

Conductivity Resolution: 0.01 mS/cm (dS/m)


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Hanna HI98304 DiST 4 Waterproof EC Tester


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