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ReGlas is a lightweight, pumice-like material that is made of recycled glass. Collected waste glass are crushed,  baked and foamed to produce ReGlas. As glass is essentially made of sand, by using ReGlas, we are returning the element back to earth in a form that is eco-friendly and harmless to the environment.


Recycled glass


1. High water retention 
2. Improves soil aeration 
3. Prevents soil compaction
4. Environmental-friendly material


Application Methods
1. <3mm & 3-6mm
a. Mix potting mix and ReGlas in the following ratios:
   - 3:1 for starting seeds or potting-on 
   - 1:1 or 2 for cactus and succulents
b. When transplanting to existing planting beds, apply a thin layer of ReGlas to planting hole 
c. Decorative stones for terrarium 


2. 6-16mm
a. Mulch or pot bottom stone 
b. Growing medium for orchids 
c. Growing medium for hydroponics 
d. Filtration medium for aquariums 


3. Anchor
a. Mulch or pot bottom stone 
b. Growing medium for orchids
c. Growing medium for hydroponics 
d. Filtration medium for aquariums 
e. Decorative stones for aquarium and terrarium 





1. 保水性高
2. 增强土壤通气性
3. 防止土壤压实
4. 环保材料


1. <3mm & 3-6mm
a. 盆栽土壤和ReGlas混合比例如下:
   - 3:1 种子开始或換盆
   - 1:1 or 2 仙人掌和多肉植物
b. 移植植物到现有的种植床时,可施放一层ReGlas于种植洞
c. 玻璃盆栽装饰石头


2. 6-16mm
a. 用作覆盖物或钵底石
b. 用作兰花的生长介质
c. 水培介质
d. 水族箱过滤介质


3. Anchor
a. 用作覆盖物或钵底石
b. 用作兰花的生长介质
c. 水培介质
d. 水族箱过滤介质
e. 鱼缸和玻璃盆栽装饰石头



For more info, click here.


Also available at Shopee [500g] [5kg] and Lazada [500g] [5kg].

ReGlas 3-6mm (500g)


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