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A formulated product for the treatment of boron deficiency by
foliar application.


Features & Benefits

1. A high quality and consistent ‘true’ liquid

2. No sedimentation

3. Highest concentration

4. Widest tank mixability, visit Tankmix (website -

5. Rapid plant uptake

6. Very mobile within the plant

7. Kind to the crop

8. Easy to handle


Boron 15% (w/v)



1. Vegetative Growth - CROPLIFT

2. Before flowering - MAGPHOS K + BORTRAC

3. During flowering & fruiting - SAFE K + CALTRAC / STOPIT

4. Post harvest - CROPLIFT


Application Rates & Timing

1. Fruit Crops (Citrus, Dragon Fruit, Durian, Guava, Mango, Papaya, Pineapple)

Rate: 1 - 2 ml/litre water

Timing: Apply just before flowering and just after flowering. Do not apply during flowering


2. Brassicas (Chinese Cabbage, Kale)

Rate: 3 ml/litre water

Timing: Apply during 4 - 6 leaf stage

For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications at 10 - 14 day intervals


3. Cucurbits (Cucumber, Watermelon)

Rate: 2 ml/litre water

Timing: From the 4 leaf stage

Repeat at 10 - 14 day intervals if necessary


3. Maize

Rate: 6 ml/litre water at 4 to 8 leaf stage.

Timing: During 4 - 6 leaf stage

For moderate to severe deficiency, a repeat application may be necessary 10 to 14 days later


4. Oil Palm

Rate: 1 ml/litre water.

Timing: Three applications per year (one every 4 months).

For Nursery (up to 2 years old): 1ml/litre water applied every two months


5. Rice

Rate: 2 ml/litre water

Timing: Apply at start of tillering


Also available at Shopee.

YaraVita BORTRAC 150 (1L)


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