AgMagnesium 16% MgO 13% S
AgMagnesium (Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate) is a specialty fertiliser in crystalline granule form. Ag Magnesium is a hightly water soluble and quality product, supplying magnesium and sulphur to enhance the synthesis of chlorophyll and amino acids. Ag Magnesium is free from chloride, contains negligible heavy metal content (≤15ppm) and practically ideal to use with the other specialty fertilisers. If concentrated Ag Magnesium solutions are prepared, it should not be dissolved with fertilisers containing phosphate (e.g. Ag MKP) nor calcium (e.g. Ag Calcium nitrate).
Ag Magnesium (七水硫酸镁) 是一种结晶颗粒状的特殊/滴灌肥。Ag Magnesium 是一种高品质及水溶性的产品,提供镁与硫以提升叶绿素及氨基酸的形成。Ag Magnesium 含无氯化物,含有微少的重金属含量(≤15ppm) 及几乎适合与其它特殊/滴灌肥齐用。浓缩的 Ag Magnesium 溶液不能与含有磷 (如:磷酸一氢钾) 及钙 (如:硝酸钙) 的肥料齐用。
Characteristics 特性
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 16.0%
Magnesium (Mg) 9.7%
Sulphur (S) 13.0%
Max Solubility (20°C) 700g/L
EC (10g/L @ 25°C) 4.04 mS/cm
pH (5% solution) 7.5-8.0
Directions for Use 施肥方法
1. Fertigation/Hydroponics 滴灌/水培
6-13kg / 25kg Set B
2. Foliar Spray 叶面喷施
1-3g/L all growing stages, every 7-10 days
3. Soil Application 土壤施放
Oil Palm: 1.2kg/palm/year
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