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Behn Meyer Azoprimo Organic Fertilizer


Agricultural land is a limited resource. Due to extensive repetitive planting, continuous depletion of organic matter in arable soil has led to rapid deterioration of soil structure and functionality. Additionally, excessive use of chemical fertilizers has resulted in salt accumulation, soil acidification (pH below 4.5), and soil erosion. The way of non-stop planting and harvesting depletes the natural nutrient reserves in the soil. All these issues progressively weaken soil vitality and diminish the diversity of soil microorganisms’ eco-system. To restore

soil vitality, we need to replenish the depleted organic matter and restore the natural characteristics of the soil, such as water retention, soil structure permeability, nutrient content, and fertility.


Granulated AZOPRIMO® is a versatile organic fertilizer. It not only replenishes the soil with effective organic matter, but it also provides important functions such as:

1. High content of fulvic acid (35%) to enhance soil fertility.

2. Humic acid (5%) improves soil structure, promotes water retention, and soil aeration.

3. Supplies easily absorbed amino acids for plants.

4. Provides 77 trace elements and bio-available silica to plants and soil microorganisms, enhancing the capacity and diversity of the soil microbial community.


Declaration and Technical data:

Total organic matter >55%

Total macronutrients >11%

Total humic acid >5%

Total fulvic acid >35%

pH 5.5


Physical properties : solid granules

Colour : Dark black brown


Directions for Use / Cara Penggunaan / 施肥方法

1. Non-bearing Fruit Tree / Pokok Buah-buahan Muda 幼果树

> Apply 1 kg per tree / Setiap pokok 1kg / 每棵树1kg

> Repeat every 2-3 months / Ulangi setiap 2-3 bulan / 每2-3个月一次


2. Bearing Fruit Tree / Pokok Buah-buahan Matang / 成熟果树

> Apply 3-10 kg per tree / Setiap pokok 3-10kg / 每棵树3-10kg

> Repeat every 2-3 months / Ulangi setiap 2-3 bulan / 每2-3个月一次


3. Vegetables / Tanaman Sayur-sayuran / 蔬菜类

> Apply 150-250 kg per hectare / Setiap hektar 150-250kg / 每公顷150-250kg

> Repeat every 7-10 days / Ulangi setiap 7-10 hari / 每7-10天一次


[Repacked from 25kg bag]

[10kg] Behn Meyer Azoprimo Organic Fertilizer


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