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A formulated product for the reduction of calcium related disorders in top fruit and other crops.


Features & Benefits

1. Highly concentrated liquid

2. Rapid uptake by crops

3. Lasting feeding effect

4. Good tank mixability, please visit our Tankmix (website -

5. Much safer to use than other calcium sources

6. Pack sizes for economy and convenience

7. Ideal for enhancing calcium status in fruit


Ca 12%



1. Vegetative Growth - CROPLIFT

2. Before flowering - MAGPHOS K + BORTRAC

3. During flowering & fruiting - SAFE K + CALTRAC / STOPIT

4. Post harvest - CROPLIFT


Application Rates & Timing

1. Chilli, Eggplant, Long Bean

Rate: 1 – 2ml / L water

Timing: Apply 3 – 5 times during flowering or fruit development


2. Cucurbits (Cucumber, Pumpkin, Bitter Gourd etc),

Rate: 1 – 2ml / L water

Timing: Apply 2 – 3 times during flowering or fruit development


3. Guava, Black Pepper (mature, >2 years old)

Rate: 3 – 5ml / L water

Timing: Bi-weekly application, during flowering or fruit development


4. Black Pepper (mature, >2 years old)

Rate: 3 – 5ml / L water

Timing: Apply 2 – 3 times during flowering or fruit development


5. Melon (Watermelon, Rock Melon, Musk Melon etc), Honeydew

Rate : 1 – 2ml / L water

Timing: 10-14 days after field transplanting


6. Banana, Papaya

Rate : 2 – 3ml / L water

Timing : Apply 2 – 3 times, Month 1-3 (bi-weekly application)


Also available at Shopee.

YaraVita STOPIT (1L)


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